Carnival AGM is Tuesday 22 October
At this time of the year, the AGM hears of the activity and outcome of the 2 year Carnival season. The AGM is informed of the final fiscal position. This is a key factor relative to the future of the Carnival which it is invited to consider.
It's also the opportunity for people to make themselves known either as potential committee members, sponsors or supporters of the next Carnival which, subject to the decision of of the AGM is scheduled to start on the 4th July 2026. If this is of interest let me know and I will provide an information sheet that explains what is actually involved, or just turn up on the night and introduce yourself to the meeting.
You would be most welcome to attend or be represented. It is held in the Crowthorne Parish Hall, Heath Hill Road South, on Tuesday the 22nd October starting at 7.30pm. Free parking is alongside the hall and refreshments will be available after the meeting.
It would be a great help with our planning, if you could let us know if you intend to come.
Kind Regards
Steve Loudoun
Click the following for more details...
Festival of the Teapot raised....
We are delighted to report that the event run by Crowthorne Baptist Church raised £120 for St Sebatian's Trust. Furthermore, the Jams and cream tea boxes raised £95 for CTC summer activities.
Winners of the Treasure Hunt are...
1st Prize: Mara Rose Reed
2nd Prize: Martine Allen
3rd Prize: Thomas Maw
A message from Aman, the Chief Brownie Officer of Bucklers Brownies who organised the treasure hunt: "Congratulations to our winners! For those who did not win this time, we want to express our heartfelt thanks for your participation. We hope you had a fantastic time exploring and enjoying the event.
As a token of our appreciation, we're delighted to offer you all a 10% discount on all items at and on our Instagram/Facebook. Simply use the code ‘YUM10’ at checkout or mention via direct message for any order requests."
I can testify that they make exceedingly good brownies!
Shop Window Competition Winners
1st - Hatfields
2nd - Thames Hospice
3rd - Doodles
Front Garden Competition Winners
Mrs Bowyer - Mulberry Close
"Commercial" - Methodist Church
"Commercial" - Methodist Church
Hanging Basket Competition Winners
Private - Mr L Horne
"Commercial" - Don Beni
Scarecrow Competition Winners
U16 - Buckland Family
Adult - Wellesley Drive
Commercial - RBL Club