Events and Competitions
2024 Crowthorne Carnival Royalty
Organiser and sponsor: Fiona Povey Hair Salon
Could you or your child be the 2024 Carnival King or Queen? Click here to find out how to enter!
For a chance to be a part of the 2024 Carnival Royalty you must write a short poem based on this year's carnival theme ‘Surfing the Seven Seas’ and record a video of yourself reading the poem and send it to us at along with an entry form and written copy of your poem. Your video must also contain your name and age. The deadline for Round 1 entries is the 24th March 2024.
All entrants will receive a letter, either inviting them to take part in Round 2 or explaining that unfortunately this year was not their year.
A small number of contestants will be invited back to participate in Round 2 (Sunday 14th April) where they will take part in a short activity, have a chat and answer some questions with our 4 wonderful judges. The children will also be asked to read their poems aloud in front of the Judges and fellow contestants. A decision will be made on the day and the winner and runners up will be crowned.
To enter the competition, you must meet the following requirements:
You must live or attend a school in Crowthorne or Sandhurst.
Be between 7 and 12 years old on procession day (6th July 2024)
You must be available for Round 2 on the 14th April 2024 and all the events that the winner and runners up are required to attend during carnival week, 6th – 14th July 2024.
A parent or Guardian must sign the entry form and be present for Round 2.
The Role of the Carnival Royalty is very important, not only will you lead the carnival procession you will attend multiple events during carnival week, your photo and poem will be published in the carnival programme, you will help present prizes on carnival day and read your poems to the whole of Crowthorne! You will also be given outfits to keep and be presented with gifts to remember your day.
Please be aware that this competition is no longer run in the pageant style it used to and the judges will be looking at their personality and confidence.
Colourful Crowthorne and Scarecrow Competitions
Organiser: Carnival Comm. sponsored by: HANDY DIY
Let’s make Crowthorne colourful this summer and have fun! Click here to learn more...
The aim of the Carnival is to foster community spirit and the Colourful Crowthorne (previously known as the Front Garden Competition) and Scarecrow competitions are an integral part of that aim.
A cared for front garden, hanging basket, window box or pot, whatever the size or shape, a colourful display encourages passers by to stop and chat and hopefully become interested in improving their own front areas. This also applies to commercial premises and there is a category for you too.
Again for this Carnival we have added a bit more fun and interest by the addition of a scarecrow section in the hope of fostering more “chatability”. Both events are meant to be fun.
No garden but do have a doorstep, path or parking area, then the scarecrow is for you. A scarecrow can be of any size but should reflect the Carnival theme “Surfing the Seven Seas”. Scarecrows will be judged on the use of sustainable and recycled materials, it’s relevance to the Carnival theme and does it make you laugh.
We are not looking for horticultural or craft excellence, just gardens etc and scarecrows that enhance their local neighbourhood, impact on their street scene and develop community pride and engagement.
In addition to these competitions there will also be a Fruit and Veg show.
As the days grow longer and, hopefully, drier and warmer now is the time to plan ahead and think about what to you might want to sow or plant.
Further details are available from the associated events team
Key facts:
Deadline for entries: 25 June
Judging takes place week commencing: 30 June. The judges will not enter on to the property, so whichever you enter and of course you could do both, it must be visible from the footpath.
Winners announced at the Carnival Fete on 6 July.
Shop Window Competition Organiser: Carnival Comm.
Retail is at the heart of our community and now is the time for shopkeepers to shine! Click here to learn more...
The aim of the Carnival is to foster community spirit and the shop window competition is an integral part of that aim. This is your chance to make your shop a beacon for the great work you do every day for our village. You can show how much you care for your customers and have fun doing it.
Further details are available by emailing the associated events team
Key facts:
Deadline for entries: 28 June
Judging: 4 July. Judges will not enter your premises. The goal is to make what they see a showstopper!
Winners announced at the Carnival Fete on 6 July.
Carnival Procession and Fete Organiser: Carnival Comm.
The main event kicks off with the Carnival Procession, leaving from Wellington College and proceeding down Dukes Ride and the High Street, to end at The Morgan Rec where the Carnival Fete takes over.
Gun Run Organiser: Scouts
Come and support this exciting team tournament for young people. Jakkis Kitchen will be on site for the purchase of burgers and refreshment etc.
Try Lawn Bowls Organiser: Royal British Legion
Have you ever watched Lawn Bowls and fancied a go? Now is your chance ! The RBL Bowls Section are holding an open taster session at the Club Green on Wellington Road on Tuesday 9 July from 2-4pm. No previous experience is required so just come along but PLEASE wear flat shoes to protect the Green.
Snooker Competition Organiser: Royal British Legion
Snooker- get together with a partner and enter the Carnival Pairs Snooker Competition on the evening of Wednesday 10 July. Click here for details.
Zumba at The Morgan Rec.
A great opportunity to try out this fantastic way of keeping fit. Click here for details.
Schools Music Festival at Wellington College - details to follow
Darts Competition Organiser: Royal British Legion
If you have a team of 4 then your are welcome to enter the Carnival Darts Team Competition on the evening of Thursday 11 July.
Festival of the Teapot Organiser: Crowthorne Baptist Church
Fancy afternoon tea? Crowthorne Baptist Church invite you to join them between 3.00 - 4.30pm at this fund raising event. Tickets cost £4.00 and can be had by sending an email to or by leaving a message on 07767186336. Click here for details.
Junior Disco at The Pinewood Centre Organiser: Crowthorne Comm.
5.30pm - 7pm for children from 5-11. Tickets £2.50 per child. Click here to purchase.
Please note that children must be accompanied by an adult and will be the responsibility of their parent / guardian at all times. Only children require tickets, accompanying adults are free.
There will be a Tuck Shop, so please bring cash should you wish to purchase sweets.
Fruit & Veg Show at The Methodist Church - unfortunately cancelled due to illness
Flower Festival Organiser: St John's Church
Entry is free and donations will be in aid of RNLI's 200th Anniversary. Open: 10am-6pm on Saturday and Sunday and 10am-4pm on Monday. Click here for details.
Jam Session for Young Bands Organiser: Crowthorne Carnival
Interested in sharing your talents with a drop-in audience? Come have a jamming session with your friends at the COATS Centre. Click here for details.
This is a great opportunity for young bands to share their music in a low key, informal event at the COATS Centre between 10:00 and 16:00. It does not matter what experience you have of playing together. You will be allocated a time slot and someone will help you to set-up and double-check that your equipment is safe.
Click here to register your interest. In your email please describe your band and its equipment. Remember to check your equipment is electrically safe and that you have someone available on the day to transport it to the COATS Centre.
Everyone is welcome to join the audience: feel free to drop in. .
Treasure Hunt Organiser and sponsor: Bucklers Brownies.
A great opportunity to discover more about the rich history of Bucklers Park (previously the home of The Road Research Laboratory). Click here for details
Songs of Praise Organiser: St John's Church
All are welcome to join in this uplifting celebration that draws Carnival Week to a close. Starts at 6.30pm.